What for:

1. Russian companies having underutilized production facilities

2. Russian companies that have studied the foreign market and are now looking for partners to work on it

3. Russian companies that export products and want to increase their sales abroad

4. Russian companies that receive requests from abroad, but do not have the competence to implement them and build a sales strategy

5. export support infrastructure institutions (export support centers and other organizations) that provide services for finding partners in foreign markets for exporters

What questions will you get an answer to:

1. To what extent are your product and company ready for delivery abroad?

2. Which companies can become your potential partner in the foreign market?

3. What requirements exist for your product?

4. How to effectively negotiate with market participants?

5. Is it possible to conclude an export deal?


From 30 calendar days.

Recently completed projects:

Search and selection of partners in Germany Search and selection of partners in Belarus Search and selection of partners in Poland and the Czech Republic Search and selection of partners in the Netherlands

Экспорт леса в Европу Подбор партнеров для производства полиэтилена Поиск и подбор партнеров для производства герметизирующих материалов Поиск и подбор партнеров для производителя гидропоники





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